by louf | Feb 4, 2019 | Divorce
It’s hard to believe that it could ever happen to you and your family: the death of an ex-spouse. While this not only involves a complicated grieving process, from a practical standpoint it can completely change your life if that spouse was responsible for...
by louf | Jan 28, 2019 | Divorce
Simply put, the older you are when you divorce the lower your chances of recovering from any mistakes you make during the financial settlement process. It is critical for anyone over 50 to concentrate on the long-term financial planning implications of the settlement....
by louf | Jan 21, 2019 | Divorce
It is common for one party to hold all the cards when it comes to financial knowledge and power in a marriage. We have the economic theory of comparative advantage to thank for this reality. Comparative Advantage Comparative advantage at its simplest says the person...
by louf | Jan 14, 2019 | Divorce
The concept of divorce mediation has proliferated in America in the last thirty years as divorcing parties have realized that divorce court should be an option of last resort. divorce mediation supports the decision making of the people whose lives are actually...
by louf | Dec 17, 2018 | Divorce
Retirement plans are marital assets subject to division to the extent they were earned during the marriage. State laws differ on how to determine exactly what “earned during marriage” means so be sure to check with a local expert. In order to earn pension...