Considering divorce?

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How will divorce affect me financially?

How do I prepare for divorce?

Will my standard of living change?

How best to divide assets and debts?

What’s the risk to my retirement years?

How do I get clarity for my financial future?

How will divorce affect me financially?

How do I prepare for divorce?

Will my standard of living change?

How best to divide assets and debts?

What’s the risk to my retirement years?

How do I get clarity for my financial future?

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Divorce Services

Cross Roads Divorce Advisors provides Divorce Financial Planning services to clients in all models of divorce including Collaborative Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Litigated proceedings and litigious cases hoping to settle outside a courtroom.
photo of woman and man sitting at a cafe

Divorce Options

At Cross Roads Divorce Advisors we have found that many people find themselves in a complicated and divisive legal battle simply because they were unaware that there are other divorce options available to them.
photo of books on a table


Divorce Financial Planning is the intersection of experienced financial analysis, financial planning and decision coaching with the unique and complicated financial intricacies of divorce in mind. Click the button below to learn more.

About Us

As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® , Lou specializes in assessing and advising clients on the tax and financial consequences of divorce. With a first-hand and empathetic understanding of how highly emotional the divorce process can be, Lou is dedicated to reducing the financial anxiety and uncertainty by thoroughly analyzing the financial facts of the client’s divorce, with a keen focus on what is in their best interests. He is committed to helping a client understand the complex tax and financial implications of her or his specific situation and provide thoughtful strategies, advice, and guidance to individuals or couples that are contemplating or going through a divorce.

Our firm feels the best way to make a decision is to objectively understand all the roads which may be available to you.

Photo of Lou Falvo
Louis Falvo CIMA® CDFA®
CEO and Founder

(585) 542-2382 (Direct and Fax)
(843) 212-2085 (Direct and Fax)

498 Wando Park Blvd
Suite 600
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

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Divorce Services

Divorce Financial

Cross Roads Divorce Advisors offers the creative options, financial analysis and strategies necessary to help you pursue the most financially advantageous settlement possible.

Cross Roads Divorce Advisors provides education and support for our clients during difficult decision making processes in order to facilitate rational and informed conclusions. We believe Comprehensive Reporting, Analysis, Planning and Strategy are key building blocks for Intelligent Decision Making Processes.



Collaborative Divorce

The role of the neutral financial professional in the Collaborative Divorce Process is to be an educator/facilitator in matters relating to finance.  Neutral financial professionals can be part of the collaborative practice process working together to pursue a mutually agreeable settlement. They provide a neutral place to assess financial concerns and objectives while gathering financial facts. The role of the Financial Specialist encompasses eight principal categories.



Divorce Mediation

While we do not offer mediation services, Cross Roads Divorce Advisors works three ways during the mediation process.

  • As a financial issue neutral for parties concentrating on creative settlement options and complicated
    financial analysis;
  • Offer creative settlement options, financial analysis and strategies;
  • As consultant to one party to help level the playing field around financial knowledge and experience, generate
    creative options and financial strategies for settlement and help the party pursue the most financially advantageous settlement possible.



Financial Planning
After Divorce

Cross Roads Divorce Advisors has seen the negative effects of lack of follow through on enforcing financial agreements reached in divorce proceedings and seek to facilitate a smooth transition into your new financial reality.

We have created a comprehensive Post-Divorce Financial Check-list and protocol to help ensure the settlement you worked so hard to negotiate will not be ruined by lack of follow through



Cross Roads Divorce Advisors Can Help


Checkbox icon Data Aggregation for Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses


Checkbox icon Cash Flow Projections & Child / Spousal Support Analysis


Checkbox icon Clarification of Financial Goals and Priorities


Checkbox icon Education Regarding Financial and Tax Implications


During Divorce

Checkbox icon Comprehensive Reporting


Checkbox icon Analysis and Strategy


Checkbox icon Estimation of After Tax Cash Flow


Checkbox icon Short & Long-term Financial Projections



Checkbox icon Post-Divorce Living Financial Coaching and Plans


Checkbox icon Assistance in Making


Checkbox icon Budgeting, Wealth Management, Taxes, and Insurance


Checkbox icon Ongoing Education, Planning, & Support


There is often more than one way to handle a Cross Roads in your financial life.  We look forward to working with you in creating your path to independence.